Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The difference!

Well, let's start! I've noticed something very very different upon playing AuditionSEA and AuditionPH's Beat Up mode. The difference is, the rhythm.

Okay, let me explain. Why rhythm? Try playing both servers and in the same game mode. You'll notice that, you can hit the perfect more accurately in AuditionSEA than in AuditionPH. That's why, almost all of my high-perfect-hit records can be seen in AuditionSEA.

I noticed this while playing the song Come To Me by Cherry Filter. Upon playing the said song in the said game mode, I noticed that I can hit the perfect very accurately. Then, when I played AuditionPH, I noticed that the perfect hits went down like hell. From 650+ perfect hits in AuditionSEA, it went down to 604 perfect hits in AuditionPH. It only states that, the accuracy of the game is mostly determined in AuditionSEA than in AuditionPH.

Take note that I'm not discriminating our very own server. I'm just stating out what I experienced and what I am experiencing. Also, the difference between the two servers and its game mode, which is Beat Up.

I therefore conclude that, in Beat Up mode, a player can gain more perfect hits in AuditionSEA than in AuditionPH. At the same time, AuditionPH have an advantage over AuditionSEA. Even though a player can gain more perfect hits in AuditionSEA, doesn't mean that he/she can gain more scores in the end. The connection between AuditionSEA and our country is a little bit off, that's why there is a slight delay in scoring. I only noticed this in Beat Up mode, haven't tested it on other modes. That's why, I also conclude that, you can gain a higher score in AuditionPH than in AuditionSEA, all because of the connection.Well, that's it! My very own observation between the two servers. I don't know if this is accurate or whatever. Feel free to post a comment in the Pizza Lobby.

Thank you for reading this stupid, pathetic, boring, and less-informative blog.